Monday, November 7, 2011

7 Nov 11 – Being unemployed is highly over rated!

Good morning it’s been a while since I put some of my thoughts in print. So much is going on in my life right now. The past months have been filled with remodeling, moving, and selling our house in the cities. Finally Susan and I are both living at our house up north (formerly known as the cabin). She moved up here full time mid August and it’s been very busy to say the least. Between work, moving, and the constant upkeep of both residences it was hectic to say the least. How I had wished that I had some time off to get it all accomplished.

Now here it is early November and my wish was unexpectedly granted I’m unemployed wondering where the summer went. I have worked full time almost all of my life doing one job or another. I would love to confess that I’m scared but were going to be OK between my pension, unemployment and Susan’s job. Sure money will be tight but the big guy has always looked out for me yesterday, today and the day after that. My biggest issue was that my job with the military had become my identity. Coming out of 30 years of service I wondered who I would be without it. So far I have found that my blood pressure is down, my stress is gone and my cell phone hardly rings. My brief contractor job working for the Army gave me some of the transition time that I needed to wean myself from the military.

I thought to myself that losing my job would be the worst thing that could happen to me at this place in life. Truth is that this time has given me a chance to re group and deal with some things that I have been putting off. One of which was my health. I made a doctor appointment to deal with the undiagnosed joint pain I have suffered with for years. Blood testing was ordered followed by a biopsy with the results indicating that I have Celiac Disease (good bye Gluten). On 1 December I will say good bye to my beloved beer, Caseys donuts, fast that is deep fried, served on a bun or on a flour tortilla. Truth be told I'm OK with that just know that I will still dream of the Big "G" from Gordys Hi Hat in Cloquet. I know I was lucky and that others have medical issues far worse than me. In my case the special diet will make my pain go away.

Enough about me the true blessing of being unemployed is that Susan and I been able to focus on our marriage and taking our relationship to new levels. While I had thought losing my job was the end of who I was, it was really only the beginning of discovering the real me.

Now for one of those no shit there I was moments: There I was sitting at the kitchen counter knowing it was there on top of the refrigerator looking at me. Trying not to make eye contact I could make out the first letter on the orange package it was definitely an “R”. I told my self "Self, use the discipline that the Army taught you". I refused to be weak and stayed strong for 3 days before Susan mentioned that she had opened up the bag of Reese’s Peanut Cups. Knowing the bag was opened destroyed my resolve and I was up and at em.

One became two and the chocolate high had me, lock stock and barrel. I know some of you are laughing but I did it in the name of science. I was worried that the candy would be stale. I felt like I had the devil on one shoulder yelling go team, while the other guy was telling me you’re going to hate yourself later. OK I admit it that I just might have issues when it comes to chocolate (stop laughing).

Looking back on Halloween I realized that I am sick and desperately need help. I was doing a pretty good job of convincing those gathered at Grandma’s house that there was a Reese’s Peanut butter cup recall due to contamination. As lame as it was I almost had them all young and old alike, in fact my great nephew and niece each gave me a Reese’s for testing. I have to ask myself sometimes “Self what is wrong with you when you take candy from children?” I’m OK now I know that I cannot be left alone with Reese’s ever again!

All kidding aside I’m a better man today than I was yesterday! I’m searching for employment where I can take pride in a job that’s done, to laugh, love and make tomorrows memories become a reality. Who knows maybe there will be a day when I replace “Crankshaft” the bus driver or pray that someone does not want to super size their meal. Just recently on a recent application under previous work experience related to the job I was applying for I said I have mopped, waxed and buffed floors all over the world. Remember life is what you make of it you have to put something into life in order to get something out of it.

I have to go now Susan just un-wrapped a fresh loaf of homemade Pumpkin bread. For some reason I believe history is going to repeat itself if you know what I mean ;)

That is all!



  1. Great post, Dave! -Doug JR

  2. Good to hear that things are going well for you and Susan!
    Take care, we love you all and think of you often.
