Sunday, May 3, 2009

2 may 09 3 Month Deployment Anniversary

Good Morning from Basrah Iraq! It’s been a while since I last posted and I wanted to tell you a little about my life lately. I finally got back to Basrah on Tuesday morning about 3:00AM. I was just about a week late in getting back. Reasons for delays in order were: Flight was canceled due to priority cargo; Mechanical failure; Sandstorm in Basrah; Sandstorm in Bagdad; No Space “A” seats; and finally no scheduled flights. It may not seem like much to you right? I mean it was only six days longer. But extra 6 days equates to packing your equipment up six times, leaving your room six times, waiting at the airport for 3-4 hours six times, Finding a ride six times (both ways); Wearing your body Armor, Helmet, carrying your back pack, duffel bag in and out of the airport. I could continue but I’m thinking you’re getting a clearer picture of the airport hassle. The biggest issue I faced though was 24-48 hours turn around for laundry. I brought enough clothes for 7 days even though it was suppose to be six days. I figured one extra day just in case, who would have thought I would be there for almost two weeks. So there I was in the bathroom washing clothes hoping they would dry in time.

Yesterday marked our three month anniversary for being away from home. Three months to the day that a few of us left our families for Ft Lewis. Some of us haven’t been home since while others were lucky to be home with their families. I was telling Susan earlier today that even though I wasn’t able to go home the energy level of those that did was noticeable. It seemed as though some were recharged while others were again torn with leaving there loved ones behind again. I was glad to hear the stories of their time spent with families and friends. One of the soldiers from the first group to Ft Lewis on 2 Feb 09 stopped by to see me, and is excited to bring me pictures of his three and a half month old son. I’m excited to see the pictures as much as he wants to show them to me. We are for the most part all becoming a family of sorts. There are a few mom and dad personalities, some unique kids, step children, aunts, uncles, and one or two black sheep. Like any family there are issues, some are withdrawn, while others are outgoing, shy, timid, and some want their solitude. Just like any other American family with 28 kids.

Susan and I talked a long time about missing each other and what we have done since we last we talked. I find myself writing things down now so I don’t forget to tell her the next time we talk. It doesn’t take effort to talk to her, but with everything that’s going on right now I know I will forget. But one of the things we talked about is some of the things we do to stay connected. My friend MAJ Jeff Howe came back and talked about the books him and his wife received during their marriage encounter weekend. He said how they were each reading the marriage books given them and were discussing them. Susan and I have not done that yet but we need to.

Other things that we have done to make sure we communicate is to set up a time to talk to each other, and times that I can talk to the family. There are sacrifices on both our parts whether it’s me getting up at 0430 (4:30 AM) to talk to the kids, or Susan taking her break at work to wait for my call. It’s about communication and keeping the lines of communication open. I stock piled a collection of cards to send home because I may not have an opportunity to write more that a quick note such as “I’m thinking of you” or even as simple as “I love you Dave” at the bottom of the card. It’s just something I’ve always done since we have been married. I hid her Valentines gift at the house before I left to make that day special knowing I wouldn’t be there. I wish I had taken the time to stash more surprises for her to find later in the deployment. Susan on the other hand has surprised me with care packages packed with things I need, things I want, and things that bring a smile to my face. (Get your mind out of the gutter) Yesterday’s care package had pictures of my grand baby at Easter, pictures of the blinds she hung at the cabin, other pictures of things she has told me in the past. The visual things are just as important to me as the words written or exchanged.

We have done numerous E mails adding or replying to the last message sent. I couldn’t imagine what my dad must have done to communicate with his family during World War II. With all of our technology the mail is still slow. On a good day mail seems to make it here 12-15 days from the states. Packages seem to take a little longer, so when you send out cards home you just need to back plan accordingly.

One thing I’m excited to do is a fill in the blank assignment with my wife. Susan found some fun things in a magazine to do a fill in the blank type exchange. Granted they are a little racy but the exchange with her will be fun. Susan is going to send me some of these that are numbered and when we want to exchange an E Mail on it one of us will say let’s do # 6. We will fill in the blank add the subject #6 in our E mail and we can’t open it until we both have completed the assignment.

The fill in the blank ones that Susan has right now are along the line of I came home from work after a long day only to find her/his clothing lying on the floor as they took it off leaving a trail from the front door all the way to bedroom/bathroom/kitchen. When I opened the door I discovered her/him drunk, naked, or that his bowling ball was gone. One thing led to the other and the next thing I knew he/she was in the bathroom getting sick, we were in bed, or cheering him/her on at the bowling alley. I filled the blank in as I typed this showing a few of the possible outcomes.

Here are a few examples of a simple one I changed it three times to give you an idea on possible outcomes.

Example # 1
I was shopping at the mall yesterday and Fleet Farm had John Deer T Shirts for 50% off. I knew you would be excited since your old one was wrecked in the wash.
Example # 2
I was shopping at the mall yesterday and Kohl’s had dress shirts for 50% off. I knew you would be excited since your old one was way too big after the deployment.
Example # 3 (My favorite)
I was shopping at the mall yesterday and Victoria’s Secret had Sexy Lingerie for 50% off. I knew you would be excited since your old one was destroyed in the bedroom.

Hopefully this will work out as a game to play through E mails with Susan while I’m gone.

Other updates include its hot here. Between today and 6 May 09 all temperatures in the long range forecast are right around 100 degrees. It’s plenty hot trust me. The food is good and the rest of my section is finally here. All of our troops are now in Iraq, with the exception of the two we left down in Kuwait to work the transportation issues. It’s nice having the rest of the team here finally.

That’s all I have for right now. I really do appreciate everyone that keeps us soldiers in your thoughts and prayers. Most importantly I thank Susan for putting up with me all these years.



  1. I really wish I had that kind of Communication with Chuck, but he never seems to have the time for more than a "it's hot, food suck..." that type of thing!! You two are so great and it make me happy to hear that you are both doing so well!! Heather

  2. I lub you pops. Get to go to mn to visit soon! I figured out how to post comments from my phone! Can you tell mom that she should post on her adventures too? Her craigslist-a-palooza was hilarious. Have a great night!

