Hello from sunny
Basrah Iraq!
Until I get connectivity established I cannot access Dave and Susan’s blog. Instead I’m sending blog updates to Susan so she can post on my behalf. Hopefully in the next month or two
internet for outside of work will be offered at a small price. Blogs, face book, my space, live chat rooms are not allowed on DOD (Department of Defense)
internet. It’s sad for me because I looked forward to reading some witty comments; some heartfelt thoughts, and your continued messages of support. Please continue to post your comments I know Susan enjoys them as much as me. Someday soon I hope to read your comments again.
Our move south is now completed and you will be glad to know I finally have a mattress to sleep on. Yesterdays temperatures were a balmy 90 and expected to get warmer. I can’t wait for summer to get here! I’m sure to quote my wife “it’s going to be hotter than the gates of hell here soon”. A friend of mine that was here last year said it best when he said “On my way out of Kuwait, I ordered some fast food and I realized that my food would never get cold”.
We are taking over a base formerly ran by the British. The whole base is getting redone, out with the tents and in with the
Chu’s (Trailer with 3 12 x 14 rooms). The place is changing before our eyes daily. It’s kind of a tax payer’s version of Extreme Makeover Base Edition”. If I were to complain it’s about the showers. Believe it or not our water here is delivered daily. That translates into soldier showers. Step 1 Get wet, Step 2 shut the water off, Step 3 soap up, Step 4 turn the water on, Step 5 rinse off, step 6 yell next and move out. So far we have ran out of water twice in the shower trailers. Lucky for me I shower at night now because I don’t want to run out. Ladies you will be glad to know that I’
ve become modest in the uni-sex toilet building. I’m kind of shy so I’
ve opted to take my business outside to the
porta-potties. I
couldn't take it any longer trying to be quiet while the guy in the next stall is giving childbirth.
The food has gotten a lot better although I was telling Susan that we have had chicken every day since we have been here (Iraq and Kuwait). Whether it’s Breakfast, lunch, or supper there is chicken somewhere in the serving line; Eggs to order, omelets, hard boiled eggs, Chicken fingers, chicken breasts, chicken thighs, chicken wings, chicken tacos, chicken fajitas, chicken kabobs, and don’t forget chicken salad. Today my wife gave me the ultimate chicken when I opened my care package and found some chicken peeps. I’m not complaining it’s not like there are not other items to choose from.
Address change: If you should feel the need to send letters or packages filled with goodies please use my new address:
SGM David
th ID
MCP (117)
AE 09374
That is all for now more updates to follow!