Thursday, April 23, 2009

23 Apr 09 - Still in Bagdad

Beleive it or not I'm still in Bagdad. Yesterdays flight got bumped by someone with a higher priority. I'm not upset, its one of the things you learn early in the Army. What you lern is to hurry up and wait, but most importantly you learn patience. You could get wrapped up in why the flight was redirected or except the fact that sometimes it's out of your control. One of the phrases here that I've coined is "Rigid Flexibility". What it means to me is stay the course and be prepared to redirect at the last minute. I know businesses would go down the tube with an attitude like that. But trust me by remaining flexible you are not disapointed by the outcome.

Being here in Bagdad these last few days isn't the best place for me to be right now. I find my time filled with thoughts of home, and my family I left behind. Granted there are several thousand people here but I'm lonely. My Minnesota friends are in Basrah and I'm here with a guy that lived here for 10 months. He is here and there and gone again with his friends. I have made several trips to the PX and the messhall each day. Man I miss my home, my family and my friends so much.

I have to go my time on the MWR computers is up!

That is all,



  1. Dear Dave,
    Sorry you're feeling so alone. Hopefully by this time you're back with your MN buddies. Wish I was there with you playing cribbage so I could be making some money. Things are getting pretty tight here. Maybe this weekend when Bob comes up I can win a few games for a little extra cash. Take care, God Bless, love and miss you

  2. Physically you may be alone, emotionally we are all there for you Dave.

  3. I am the wife of one of your Minnesota soldiers over there with you. We are always thinking of you all. You are never alone. I always enjoy reading your blog. Take Care. . .

  4. Hey Dave - Janner, here. "Rigid flexibility", huh? I like that. Makes total sense to me. Rich's military retirement soiree is tomorrow and we'll be thinking of you. Saying THANK YOU for your service always seems like such and understatement. Please let your buddies know that we thank them as well! Hope you're back with your buddies by now.

  5. Ahh, Semper Gumby!

    We are with you all in spirit...

    From a loggie that is wishing she was back on deployment again. :-)
