Hello from Bagdad,
I'm on the road doing inventory across the southern part of Iraq. I wanted to share some pictures with you while I was able to log on. I'm currently in Bagdad doing inventory on the equipment that I will be responsible for. I have several other bases to go to before I head back home. How sad is that, that I now call Basrah home? I have to type fast for soon the computer lab here at the MWR will be closing for the daily cleaning. Disregard that last sentence, they came they cleaned, they threw me out, but I'm back now.

This is my first cot and home when I made it to Kuwait. Notice the spacious room that all 10 of us had. I'm thinking our 40 duffel bags, and 10 large rucksacks had the best living conditions. After all they had us (Their carriers) with them. Thinking back on the night noises and the foul odor I wonder was it all worth it? No not really but it's a story I will tell my children, and my grandchildren.

This photo is of his boat house. There is an actual name for it (bat partisan house?)I just can't remember it. What I do know is the opening your looking at is for the houseboat I talked about earlier. There is another opening on the other side of the building for the other house boat. This building was attacked in the early stages of the war. This place was his version of Camp David.

This is the palace that he built for his lady friends. Meaning those ladies of the night. During the tour our guide (military soldier) referred to it as the perfume palace. Of course we couldn't go in it because it wasn't part of the free tour. I know it's hard to tell but it's at least 4 stories tall.

This is not a mirage it is however an Oasis. One of the buildings is a shower the other is what we refer to as indoor plumbing. I know that you want to ask what's the difference between this an a outhouse. The answer is about 30 degrees on a hot day if you catch my drift.

This picture is of a castle tour we took. Believe it or not there was an official tour but we were late. Lucky for us we were able to take the tour the next day. It still amazes me the corruption that took place here. The man had the power to help out his people instead he built his own empire. In the weeks ahead I will try to post more regularly. Hopefully some more pictures as well.

This is a picture of a camel herd that my buddy Chuck saw. I would have some pictures of my own but my batteries died. The picture also reminds me that I'm missing Camel races in Basrah tonight. The Brits had an announcement up inviting us out to watch Camel races. It's true I checked it out. Just my luck I'm here and the races are there. I guess that all I have for right now Be good and enjoy the freedom that you have back home.
In closing I just wanted to add that Susan asked me today if I thought, after my time here, if we did the right thing. My answer is yes absolutely! Seeing this place, the money that was spent, the families that are doing without has me believing we are doing the right thing. I'm not sure if I mentioned it in an earlier post but people that live and grew up around here did not know that there was water, much less man made lakes inside the walls.
Did I mention that I'm going to Texas Colledge while I'm here? I'm going to try and have a degree when I get home next year.
Last but not least what do you call 40 people sitting around the TV watching the Superbowl? The answer is obvious the Minnesota Vikings!
Gotta go,
Hey Dave,
ReplyDeleteNice Pictures. i like the view. haha but as for your joke... sad sad sad. Try some of these:
What do you call a male Packer fan in a room full of beautiful
Why can't a Greenbay Packer get into his own driveway?
Someone painted an end zone on it.
Why is it a good idea to bring a Packer fan along to a Vikings game?
You can park in the handicap zone.
What do you call it when a packer fan wears Purple and yellow?
Artificial intelligence
Now thats good Humor!
Love you Dave,
Thomas Simi + Family