Hi, I'm still here in Bagdad waiting on my flight out. Another day another flight canceled due to weather. Aside from washing my clothes in the sink I'm do OK, I guess. I just hate sitting here with time on my hands. The days seem to go on forever. Enough about me. As promised here are some of the pictures from my recent helicopter ride.

This picture shows the true picture of the desert and that it goes as far as the eye can see. This should be used in a commercial for watches. You know something to do with one of those sand timers. Or this could represent my time here waiting for a flight back to Basrah.

This picture was taken looking straight down from the helicopter. Yes I had the wrist strap on as well as my seat belt. There are actually people living there in the houses. What they do and where they work who knows?

This is a picture taken during my helicopter ride the last few days. As you can see there is miles of the reservoir going nowhere, or so it seems. This is just like in the Midwest when you are in an airplane looking out you can see out lines of the fields. The difference is the fields may be at time green the desert shows the sand and the dryness every where.

The picture alongside is right here in Bagdad. The picture is what I believe to be a bat house. This thing is huge, the gray walls in front are 15' tall. What I was told is the bats keep the insect population here under control. I'm not sure if I want one at home, but I think it's working. I haven't been bitten by a mosquito yet?

This picture is without zooming in on the bat house. Just trying to give you an idea on how big this thing really is.
You won't see such nice pictures from Basrah. We are located 5 miles or so from the city limits. There is sand, sand, and more sand in every direction. One of the cool things at night is the fires that light up the distant night sky. I was told the fires are of the gases being burnt on the oil fields. You know kind of like a pressure relief valve.
Gotta go talk to you soon. The MWR guy is telling me my time is up. I want you to know I think about my family and friends a lot. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers often.
That is all,
Dave, Sorry to hear that you are still in Bagdad. I know Chuck misses you in Basrah! I love the pictures. Sorry I haven't been looking at your blog. I didn't relize that Susan updated them for you! I did talk to Susan last night, what a strong and wonderful woman you have! Take care of yourself and be safe.