Good afternoon all,
I'm finally in Iraq after a short stay in Kuwait (7 days). It's warm here already highs in the mid 70's to mid 80's. I'm not complaining yet but I will when it warms up. While in Kuwait I experienced a sandstorm (Equivalent to MN Blizzard) except sand gets in all the openings. Then there was a thunderstorm where it rained mud. Keep in mind after the sandstorm the air was filled with dirt when the rain came it turned to Mud. What a mess, and talk about slick roads.
On our way here we were also lucky enough to see camels in the dessert that were wild. But the real question is why were they fighting over this barren sand covered country? I know I wasn't the only one thinking those thoughts on our journey here.
Where I'm stationed currently (Bagdad) I'm living with 28 guys in a tent meant for 30. With me being a light sleeper I was worried at first. Lucky for me though there is a generator outside my tent as well as the air conditioner unit that never shuts off. The constant hum seems to drown out the people that snore or the occasional passing of bad air. I'm adapting well and can hardly wait to move south to our new home. The differences in temperature between here and there appear to be about 10-15 degrees warmer.
For those of you that are interested my new address after 30 Mar 09 will be:
SGM David Crotteau
10th Mtn G4/ ATTN 34th ID (101)
Camp Basrah
APO, AE 09375
For the record I'm dealing better with leaving my life behind. There are still some days like Aubreys 2nd birthday party that I wish I was there. But I'm going to be OK, and I will deal with what ever life deals me until I get home again. My wife Susan is my biggest supporter as well as my best friend. With out her support I would not be able to deal with this as well as I have. With that being said I also need to thank all of my family and friends that are checking in on my family during my absence. Neighbor Bob I wanted to thank you especially for snowplowing during the recent storms. Last but not least without all of you and your continuing support I would be lost.
The good news is another day gone and I'm one day closer to coming home.
That is all for now,
Dear Dave,
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing well considering all. Saw the pictures from Aubreys party. Was not able to be there, as I had a Mass for Sheldon on Saturday nite. Did attend a party for Isaiah on Sunday and got to see their house. Very nice. We are experiencing very nice weather here. About 50 degrees. Take care. Love you and God Bless You all.
Hey pops. I love you so much. I can feel your pain about not being at Aubrey's birthday party. I watched a movie that mom had on that Flickr site of Aubrey doing the hokey-pokey and it took everything not to bust out crying. But i know that I'll be home by her birthday next year. I love you and miss you like crazy... I can't wait to see you!
ReplyDelete<3 Fish
Hey Dave - Janner here again. Thanks for the address. Will get a care package ready to ship the end of the month. Can't send fudge (it'll look like the mud there on a rainy day) but I CAN ship home-baked oatmeal scotchies and things like that. Let me know if there's anything special you'd like. Coffee, a set of sheets (the ones at the PX aren't exactly soft - according to Rich), books, you name it, I'll find it and send it. I've got 22 months of sending packages under my belt. You took care of me while Rich was in Iraq, now it's my turn to take care of you (and your family) while you're in Iraq. We love you and think about you daily.
ReplyDeleteDave will you make sure that is the correct zip code. I heard they very recently changed it. I love you.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you made it into country safely. Got your addesss so will get something in the mail to you once you are all set up in your new digs. Love your attitude about a day at time..your stay will be over before you know it.
MSG S (Ret)