Monday, March 9, 2009

9 Mar 09 - Marley and Me

Good Afternoon from Kuwait,
I'm here, and I am experiencing the heat. Today's temperature are expected to reach 85. Needless to say its hot during the day and about 55 at night. I'm sure those of you back home are saying that's not so bad. Your probally right with the combat boots on and my uniform it seems to be a comfy 90 at least. Were walking everywhere and loving it (not really).

Currently we are in a holding pattern waiting for a flight up to bagdad. We will spend some time there before we move down south. Right now we are living out of our duffle bags inside our lovely tent. When time permits I will update you with photos.

Yesterday we went to a movie called Marley and Me. Its about a family that gets a pup with personality. The dog is raised as well as raising the family who owns her. The dog helps the family raise the kids. Needless to say it ends with them putting the dog down. A real moral booster for my group. Not to mention it was danger close to being a chick flick. My family went through the same emotional issues when we put our dog Casey down last year. Marley and my dog Casey were both labs and shared some of the same personalitys.

More to follow my time on the computer is up! The USO allows you 15 minutes on the computer. It took me almost all of the 15 to log on and to type the message above. The reality is maybe its not me they are calling. There might actually be someone here name SGM Crewdeo! I doubt it though. Be good and be safe talk to you more later!

That is all!



  1. Dave: I am thoroughly enjoying your messages, and wish you all the best. Here's wishing for time to fly! Stay safe and keep up the good work. Best Wishes, Nancy and family

  2. Dave, I love your blog! It's about the only way I know what's going on with you guys. Keep posting! Best of luck, if you see my dad in Bagdad, say hi for me!

  3. Dear Dave
    Thanks for all the postings. They make my day. And really, Bella was kind of cute in her bloomers. Know it will be a happy day for Sue when she doesn't have to wear them. We are getting ready for another snow storm. Rather that than the sand and heat though, I think. Played a couple games of cribbage with Sue this weekend. Love and prayers.

  4. hey pops it took you 15 minutes to type your blog huh? This whole deployment might be a great oppurtunity to learn how to type with ALL 8 fingers AND your thumbs!! I'm so proud of you Dad. I miss you a lot and with I could post more if those damn people next door could just get a stronger router!!!!

    Love You,


  5. Hey Dave! Thanks for the laughs in your blog. You guys are definitely in the boys and my prayers and thoughts. Wish I could have told you about about Marley and me before you went. I felt the same way! And on Harry's note - I didn't even know Sue knew how to play cribbage?? Love you Dave! Patty

  6. Hey, Dave - Janner, here. Back when I had Bear, she figured out how to open my fridge (must've been that towel I buttoned onto the handle - D'oh)and managed to remove a ham, consume it and leave the foil and the bag on the floor. She might have gotten away with it if she'd destroyed the evidence, too.
    Later, when I bought a fridge on top, freezer on the bottom, she figured out how to loot the freezer. Fix: put a tool box in front of it for a couple of months.
    Then there's Lady. I've never had a dog jump out of the back window of the Jeep before in pursuit of a squirrel (or any other rodent) while it was moving. Thankfully, I had just pulled into the driveway when she decided to do her version of a combat roll out of the vehicle. (What is Rich teaching my dogs??)
    We had great weather today. Got to get out and do poop patrol (have you ever done spring clean up after 2 German Shepherds? Not complaining, I'm happy they're not wooly mammoths).
    Just so you's still March, there's still the basketball tourney (hockey is done), so we'll still get some snow. It's tradition. It's a month full of surprises. (Unpredictable, like I was when I PMS'd - yah, shure, you betcha!)
    Stay safe. Hope time flies. Lookin' forward to revvin' the ATV engines again with you on the trail. Not looking forward to dumping it like I did (ask Bob about that one!).
