Saturday, March 7, 2009

7 Mar 09 - Day after Tommorrow

Good Afternoon from Kuwait,
Well we finally made it here after 26 hours of being in the plane. We left Ft Lewis on Thursday at 6:00 PM (8:00 PM Minnesota) after stopping in Kansas, Bangcr Maine, and Germany we arrived here on or about 1230 PM (3:30 AM Minnesota)Saturday morning. Did I mention it was hot herer? It is and after putting on sun screne I can honestly say I'm burnt already. I beleive the temperature here is about 85-90.

As far as the flight over goes it was a flashback for me. When I went to Kosovo I felt lonely, afraid and guilty all at the same time. On Thursday I again felt very alone, afraid, and guilty. I feal guilty because I'm leaving my family, my life, and my freinds behind. I know it's beyond my control but sometimes you can't control the emotions that you go through on a deployment. I miss my wife, my life, my family and my friends. The life I had at home is now officially on hold until my return next year. Every waking moment belongs to uncle Sam now, actually he owns the night too but hopefully I can sneak in a dream or two.

I know my message today might have some self pity in it. I'm sorry for that I'm sure it will get better from here. Each day I wake up brings me one day closer to coming home.

Last but not least my wife sent me a text that said I was lucky I got to marry my best friend. Susan I feel the same way, I thank my lucky stars that you said yes. You are my light at the end of the tunnel.

Until I get picture posted close your eyes and picture a sand box, add a tent and some trailers and thats where I'm living now.

That is all for now. The computer cops said my time is up.



  1. David, I can honestly tell you that you are not the only one that had those feelings! Self pity is not a bad thing at times. I was very, very happy to get woke up at 730 am, my time, to hear the voice of the man that I love calling to tell me that you guys made it there safely! You and Susan are such lucky people to have what you have, I'm jealous! Send some of the heat this way would you! Take care, Heather

  2. Hey Dave,

    Heat is like putting your head into a oven and sand is always blows in your face. It cool season now, wait until this summer. Nice thing the time clock has started for coming back home. Once you get settle in, time will fly and you will be back home with your family and friends. Miss you, our little talks about work and life, and going up to your cabin. Things are not the same back here without you. Take care. Bob

  3. Dave I was so happy to here from you on Sat morning. I am glad you made it safe. I wanted to let you know your Valentines gift was wonderful, but I still missed you to keep me warm.
    All my love,

  4. hey pops. i spent all day Thursday worrying about and knowing that it was completely unnecessary. you'll be fine... i'll be fine... and mom is holding down the homefront like a trooper. so we can just enjoy this journey together. i'm so excited to be able to share this journey with you. in fact, i feel very privlidged that i have the oppurtunity. keep your chin up, soldier. i love you so much!

    <3 Fish.
