Monday, March 2, 2009

2 Mar 09 - Noah's Ark

Good evening from Dave's world,

Tonight I wanted to bring you up to date on whats going on in my world. In order to leave here in the next few days there are numerous training events that needs to take place. As you can imagine those of us going out first are the guinea pigs. All of our T's need to be slashed and our i's dotted. I spent most of yesterday on the Internet doing on line training. Tonight I have to pack my bags, wash my laundry, and try to get a little me time (reading) before I go to bed. So far I have been without my beloved Mountain Dew for 28 days and there are no serious side effects. So far I have been without my beloved Mountain Dew for 28 days and there are no serious side effects. I have not watched TV or a movie since I got here. My day goes from wake up at 0440 (in order to get hot water) to lights out at 2300 (11:00 PM). Time spent during the day is filled with training, setup for the upcoming war exercise, and numerous meetings.

I found time for church on Sunday and enjoyed the mass. The mass was dedicated to the soldiers that were deploying from the base to include those of us from Minnesota. Soldiers and their families were in attendance and all of us in uniform were asked to stand. Some of the Minnesota soldiers were in the service as well, from the gift givers, to readings, to giving out Communion. The homily was about the story of Noah's Ark as it relates to soldiers. Noah's Ark took a little of everything to help preserve the world. Much like the modern day soldiers who are coming together from all walks of life. Like the Ark our soldiers are facing rough waters right now. Many soldiers are along for the ride with no idea of the boat that's carrying them. Our faith is in Noah (Division Commander) to bring us across the ocean and back home again.

After the mass there was a luncheon for the soldiers and their families. I can't speak for the others but I felt the congregation welcomed us with open arms. In fact members of the congregation (non uniform) gave us handkerchiefs, rosaries, and a St Christopher medal. Afterwards while outside an old Korean war vet talked to me for several minutes. He shook our hands and thanked us all for our service. As he was walking away he turned back and asked me if I had a copy of how to pray the rosary. When I said no he reached into his pocket and gave me his some what worn copy and gave it to me. It's a by far better place here for my soldiers than my experience while at Ft Stewart in 2003-04.

Did I mention that so far I have been without my beloved Mountain Dew for 28 days and there are no serious side effects

Due to the op tempo here there was no cribbage last night.

That is All!



  1. Dave I think you need a Moutain Dew.
    Love you,

  2. Do the Dew Dave!! I heard the mass was pretty awsome. Madden said he's gained an extra 8 pounds from all me religious pendents that he has gotten out there.

  3. Dear Dave
    I'm so happy you guys are being treated with so much respect and love. Hoping and praying all goes well for you and all the members of your unit, on this journey, I know all will be fine. Be safe. Love you,
