Monday, February 23, 2009

23 Feb 09 - Day 21 with out Mountain Dew

Good Morning from Ft Lewis WA,
I am now on day 22 of not drinking Mountain Dew. It was tough at first, but every day is better than the day before. I went from 2-3 pops a day to a diet Pepsi every other day at best. It was hard at first everywhere I looked there were Mountain Dew adds. On the radio commercials were being broad casted, my password contains Mountain Dew, so on and so on. I would find myself standing outside of the pop coolers with my hand on the glass thinking how good it would feel to drink a cold one. Thinking back on my decision to quit came easy. I keep telling myself that I have two goals on this deployment one was weight loss and the other was to get in better shape.

I have to admit the withdrawal from Mountain Dew was tough and it was a decision I made willingly. But the other things in my life I gave up were not voluntary. I gave up the right to hold my grand baby, kiss my wife, walk bare footed in the grass, and drink adult beverages. All those listed are a tip of the iceberg.

Again I'm not complaining, I made the choice to serve and I accept that. Just keep in mind that the things you take for granted are the things I miss the most. I have one trivial question for you concerning farts. Do you know why they smell? Answer: So deaf people can enjoy them too.

As far as the cribbage update goes the score now is 9 for the old dogs and 9 for the young pups. Between me and you the young pups were high fiveing it last night. But we all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. In the end the tortoise (old dogs) won because he had the stamina to complete what was started. The hare (young pups) lost because of a false confidence. Hopefully tonight the young pups will be back laying by their water dishes.

Happy Birthday Pardo! He was called in front of formation given his birthday card and told to do one pushup per year. Some of us were smilling until the realization set in that if this was the standard we were screwed.

That is all,



  1. Old man, you and Madden and Lomax and a few more are really screwed!! Tell Pardo I said happy b-day, I told Chuck to tell him, but one never know's if he remembered! I give you lots of credit for going off the Dew, I could never do it!! It's one of my 2 bad vices! Smoking being the other! Take care! Heather

  2. Wow - hey man, I gave up fast food and pop for my 16 month adventure, so I feel your pain! I had to have my Chaplain Assistant punch me in the face first thing every day for a month to get my focus off the caffeine headache I was having...on the plus side, I lost 10 pounds, and when you're 5'4" that's a lot of pounds.

    Brother, if you had to do one pushup for each year, you'd be halfway to the PT test max for a 23 year old male!

    Keep up the writing, you had me laughing out loud today :)


  3. Great idea to use the time you are away to do something positive! Sorry you had to give up your favoite, Mountain Dew and you I thought would be inseparable.
    Keep up the good work!
    I may not recognize you next time I see you.

    I am keeping up my promise but she has evaded me so far. At least I am able to bother Joshua! I'm sure he appreciates my calls!

    I love you big brother! Say do you think you will want to take over and be the older one for a while??

    Just think about it.
    Love you!
